
Both IODA and IODC – $50.00

Save $16.00 by enrolling in both of these courses together and meet state requirements of 5-6 hours.

6 hour class with certificate Buy Now


Impact of Divorce on Children (IODC) – $38.00

If you have children, you must take this course to meet the minimum requirements of all courts.

Este curso es en inglés. Por favor, desplácese hacia abajo para inscribirse en la clase español.

4 hour class with certificate Buy Now


Impact of Divorce on Adults (IODA) – $28.00

2 hour class with certificate Buy Now


Best Value!!

The Complete Parents Forever Program – $75.00

Save $45.00 by enrolling in the complete Parents Forever Program. Includes Impact of Divorce On Children, Impact of Divorce on Adults, Money Issues in Divorce, Legal Issues and the Role of Mediation in Divorce, and Pathways to a New Life.

12 hours with certificate Buy Now>


Money Issues in Divorce – $18.00

2 hour class with certificate Buy Now


Legal Issues and the Role of Mediation in Divorce – $18.00

2 hour class with certificate Buy Now


Pathways to a New Life – $18.00

2 hour class with certificate  Buy Now


Ambos Impactos del Divorcio en Niños y Adultos – $50.00

Descripción: Inscríbase tanto para el Impacto del Divorcio en los Niños y el Impacto del Divorcio en los Adultos.

Formato: Basado en la Web con pruebas en línea.

Horas: 6  Buy Now


Impacto del Divorcio en los Niños – $39.00

Formato: Basado en la Web con pruebas en línea.

Horas: 4  Buy Now


Impacto del Divorcio en los Adultos – $28.00

Formato: Basado en la Web con pruebas en línea.

Horas: 2  Buy Now


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Parents Forever - Education for Families in Transition.

Impacto del Divorcio en los Adultos

Descripción: Ayuda a los padres a comprender como los afecta el divorcio y sugiere maneras de sobrellevar constructivamente con el estrés, enojo y conflicto que lo acompañan. La unidad incluye discusión acerca de asuntos de seguridad, abuso del cónyuge, abuso infantil y enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente.

Impacto del Divorcio en los Niños

Descripción: Los niños son frecuentemente a los que el divorcio afecta más. Este curso se enfoca en lo que los niños experimentan y como los padres pueden llevar a sus hijos a través de esta etapa de transición sin ponerlos en medio del conflicto. Los temas cubiertos incluyen: Comprendiendo lo que los niños experimentan durante el divorcio de sus padres; Reforzando las habilidades de comunicación; Estrategias de educación de los hijos; Como desarrollar un plan de educación de los hijos paralelo.

Pathways to a New Life

Description: This unit offers participants the opportunity to look at the skills they want to develop to succeed in future relationships including: Concepts of letting go, redefining parental roles and new social ties, Reconciliation, Single parenting, new relationships, step families.

Legal Issues and the Role of Mediation in Divorce

Description: Offers an introduction to the legal process and mediation. Components include: Methods of dispute resolution, How to select an attorney, Custody, visitation, maintenance and child support, Mediation as an option.

Money Issues In Divorce

Description: Money is a big issue in divorce. This course suggests ways to cope with the emotional, social and economic aspects of living with reduced income. Topics covered include Adjusting to changes in income, Understanding the costs of raising children, Rethinking how to spend money, Setting money goals, How to talk to your children about money, and Money conflicts.

Impact of Divorce on Children

Description: Children are often impacted the hardest during divorce. This course focuses on what children experience and how parents can lead their children through this time of transition without putting them in the middle of the conflict. Topics covered include: Understanding what children experience when their parents divorce; Strengthening communication skills; Parenting strategies; How to develop a parallel parenting plan.

Impact of Divorce on Adults

Description: Helps parents understand how divorce impacts them and suggests ways to cope constructively with the accompanying stress, anger and conflict. The unit includes discussion about safety issues, spousal abuse, child abuse and sexually transmitted diseases.